Can You Get a Voicemail on Microsoft Teams?

Can You Get a Voicemail on Microsoft Teams?

In today’s business world, efficient communication tools are essential for streamlined operations and effective collaboration. Microsoft Teams has emerged as one of the most widely used platforms for remote teams, combining chat, video calls, and file sharing in one place. But what happens when you’re not available for a call? Can you get a voicemail on Microsoft Teams? Let’s explore how voicemail works within the Teams environment, what to expect, and how to set it up.

What is Microsoft Teams Voicemail?

Microsoft Teams is primarily designed as a communication tool for workplace collaboration. While it allows users to make voice and video calls, it also includes a voicemail feature to ensure no messages are missed when you’re unavailable. Voicemail on Teams allows callers to leave a voice message when you’re either offline, on another call, or set to “Do Not Disturb.”

This feature is part of the larger Microsoft 365 ecosystem, particularly integrated with Microsoft’s Phone System (available with specific licensing). When enabled, voicemail messages can be accessed via the Teams app, email, or even a phone if configured correctly.

How Does Voicemail Work in Microsoft Teams?

The voicemail feature within Microsoft Teams is quite simple and works much like any other voicemail system. Here’s how it operates:

  • When a Call Goes Unanswered: If you are busy on another call, unavailable, or set your status to “Do Not Disturb,” incoming callers will be redirected to your voicemail after a predetermined number of rings.
  • Voicemail Greeting: You can customize your voicemail greeting within Teams. This can be a standard message, or you can record a personal greeting to direct callers on what to do next (e.g., leave a message, send an email, or try reaching you later).
  • Message Notifications: After receiving a voicemail, Microsoft Teams will send you a notification, allowing you to listen to the message within the app or through email, depending on how your settings are configured.
  • Transcription of Voicemails: One of the standout features of Teams voicemail is its ability to transcribe voicemail messages into text. This is a helpful accessibility feature, especially if you’re unable to listen to the audio. You can read the transcription or listen to the original audio message.
  • Voicemail Management: Voicemails can be deleted, marked as unread, or saved within Teams, offering flexibility in how you manage incoming messages.

How to Set Up Voicemail in Microsoft Teams

Setting up voicemail in Teams requires a few steps, and it’s important to note that this feature is only available to users with Microsoft 365 Phone System licenses. If you meet these requirements, follow these steps to set up voicemail:

  • Access Settings:
    • Open Microsoft Teams.
    • Click on your profile icon in the top right corner.
    • Select Settings, then navigate to the Calls section.
  • Enable Voicemail:
    • Under the Voicemail section, toggle the option to enable voicemail for missed calls. You can also configure other settings like voicemail greetings and how you want to receive voicemail notifications.
  • Set Your Greeting:
    • Customize your voicemail greeting by recording a new message. You may also opt for the default greeting if you prefer.
  • Check Voicemail Notifications:
    • Ensure that notifications are enabled for voicemail messages so that you don’t miss important updates.
  • Transcriptions and Email Settings:
    • If you want voicemail transcriptions to be sent to your email, make sure this setting is configured. Voicemail messages will be sent to your Teams app, and optionally to your email inbox.

Benefits of Using Voicemail on Microsoft Teams

  • Centralized Communication: Teams combines multiple forms of communication, from instant messaging to phone calls, under one platform. Having voicemail integrated into Teams ensures you can manage all your communication in one place.
  • Improved Productivity: With transcription services, voicemail messages become easier to manage. You can quickly scan through transcriptions or listen to messages without wasting time sifting through missed calls.
  • Professionalism and Flexibility: Voicemail offers a professional way to handle missed calls. You can personalize greetings and even provide alternative contact methods, ensuring that callers can still reach you even when you’re unavailable.
  • Remote Work Ready: For remote teams, voicemail on Teams is especially useful. Since Teams is cloud-based, you can access voicemail messages from any location, whether you’re working from home, the office, or on the go.


Yes, you can get a voicemail on Microsoft Teams. While the voicemail feature is available through Microsoft’s Phone System, it’s a valuable tool for businesses and individuals alike, providing a way to stay connected even when you’re unavailable for a call. Setting it up is relatively simple, and with transcription services and email notifications, you can ensure that voicemail messages are always within reach.

For businesses already using Microsoft Teams for their communication needs, enabling voicemail is an excellent way to ensure that missed calls don’t translate into missed opportunities. With these features at your disposal, your workflow remains uninterrupted, no matter where you are or how busy your schedule may be.


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